16 May, 2007 • Express Train
N Train ~ Canal St. ~ 8:50am - Click for next Image

Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted

Photography by Travis Ruse

N Train ~ Canal St. ~ 8:50am


  1. I love the one finger pole hold :) Such a NYC pose for sure, I have made it many times! I just never attempt it with hot coffee.

  2. i love this picture.. it's the epitome of the morning commute.

  3. ah, yes, the Kung Fu Grip! classic subway stuff...

  4. I think we all know that illegally drinking coffee on the subway makes the coffee taste better.

  5. Great shot, I love his dead tired expression and the coffee in his hand. Apparently, the java is defective.

  6. Alone in the madness of his own mind, a contemplative gaze his only solace in the frenetic grind of a 9am commute.

    Very introspective...nice capture!


  7. Bonjour,
    Well done capture..Good composition..Bravo!

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Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted