17 January, 2007 • Express Train
R Train ~ Brooklyn ~ 6:55pm - Click for next Image

Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted

Photography by Travis Ruse

R Train ~ Brooklyn ~ 6:55pm


  1. That is sweet.

  2. Great expression and composition.

  3. What a beautifully tender moment.

  4. Such sweet tenderness.

  5. Very human and compelling. What an quick eye you have for the moment and for lighting.

  6. A dilemna i have pondered over for a good while is how to shots like your'es wher you are imposing your self /taking a persons personal space etc etc . It a well known issue. I would love to know how you deall with it . Maybe attitudes and conventions are different from those in Britain. I'd love to hear from you .
    If you can perhaps replying to my private email might be easier and less boring for other visitors.

    By the way i love your sight and i'm really envious of your pictures . Matbe i'l get to be half as good .
    Thanks for your time and maybe I'll be hearing from you.

    Richard Trim

  7. Re written.
    A dilemna I have pondered for a good while is how to get shots like your's where you are imposing yourself and /or almost taking a person's personal space etc etc. It's a well known issue. I would love to know how you deal with it and maybe you has some useful tips. Maybe attitudes and conventions are different from those in Britain. I'd love to hear from you.
    Ifyou can, perhaps replying to my private email might be easier and also it would be less boring for your other visitors.
    By the way, I find your site inspiring and I'm really envious of your pictures. Maybe I'll get to be half as good.
    Thanks for your time and maybe I'll be hearing from you.

    Damn It ... I shouldnt have drunk that bottle of wine over supper. I can actually write reasonably correct English .

    Cheers Richard Trim

  8. It's a shame she isn't on every train.

  9. I dunno, Greenpoint. More isn't necessarily better. More is cheap.

  10. I am very impressed by the quality of this picture in the subway. I live in NY and I can't have good pictures in the subway. Please could you tell me for this picture with aperture, time, iso and camera you used?


  11. @green b. point:
    indeed it is.

    @richard trim & travis ruse:
    i would like to know more about this topic, too!!!

    general info on this can be found in the FAQ.

  12. beautiful travis!

  13. Ain't she beautiful ? And those long fingers ...

  14. Very nice timing and composition.
    - Martin

  15. Travis, I just discovered Bruce Davidson's "Subway" and thought of you. The baton has been passed.


  16. Yes some of this is covered in my faq. I am not on the subway to make photos. I'm on the train to get to work and then home again. The reason I state the obvious is because when I make a photo it's usually just one, two maybe three frames. I don't appear as a photographer photographing other peoples lives. It feels more like I'm just photographing my life. In my mind I'm not imposing myself. I look like all the other commuters and act as though the act of making a photo is no different that reading The Times. When I'm in someone elses town though I find it very hard to make decent images. All I can do is make the usual tourist images. I'm much more comfortable photographing my own life. Sorry for the rambling....

  17. Hmm, pretty interesting in my opinion.
    I still HAVE problems taking good pictures of people in the streets or trains of my city, but it might be worth a try to see it more the way you do.

  18. Travis, good luck with the upcoming exhibit. If I am in NY while it is running, I will stop by and take a look. Your photos are amazing! Who would have thought back in 83/84 at Chamberlain you would become such a brilliant artist? Who would have thought that I would become a lawyer? You have become very poetic too based on my review of some of your comments on this blog. Anyway, I look forward to seeing many more of your photos on this and your new site.


  19. That's a nice picture Travis.

  20. Travis:

    Interestingly enough I met you yesterday ( 19 Jan 07) on the San Francisco MUNI (Municipal Railway) 30 bus going thru Chinatown. As I mentioned I also like to shoot candids (sometime not so candid) on public transportation. Your touching ( no pun intended ) photo is proof of the true cliche' about the slice of life, the captured momemt. I find your picture fascinating to contemplate: what is this young girl thinking?; what is her attitude toward the man?...and many other questions about their relationship. The lighting is pefect and evokes the tenderness of the momemt. I have just begun to look at your site. I shall be back for more. You are a wonderful photographer. I trust you got some interesting images in San Fracisco.

    Best regards,

    Bob Nelson

    Saturday 20 January 2007

  21. busted....of course when in another city I felt the need to check out the local commuter modes. I felt right at home on the bus. What a great town San Fran is. Man those hills are killer.

  22. Oh, so sweet, how nice! more of this please.

  23. Strange things happens too many times to be just an occasion

  24. Drugs sucks!

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Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted