25 May, 2006 • Express Train
N Train ~ Canal St. ~ 6:15pm - Click for next Image

Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted

N Train ~ Canal St. ~ 6:15pm


  1. How the hell did you pull off that?

  2. Too bad there is a huge head on the right. Amazing capture.

  3. There is just not enough time to sleep. Man, I am tired too.

    (About 20 years ago, I attempted to write poetry and even published a small mag called THE COFFEE HOUSE in Seattle at the time.
    These images would have been a great inspiration and set me off on poems unending.Where were you then?)

  4. there's something sort of sexual about his posture and interaction with the camera. i wonder if it's intentional on any level.. or just the result of a moving body and a quick shot.

  5. Looks like he can't wait to get off the train. This is a great catch, or did he pose for you?

  6. I also feel a sexual vibe w/this photo.
    Your work is absolutely amazing. I've never been to NYC but I have through your photos.
    Thanks for what you do.

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Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted