16 March, 2006 • Express Train
N Train ~ Canal St. ~ 6:05pm - Click for next Image

Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted

N Train ~ Canal St. ~ 6:05pm

Do you really need any more details than this to fill in the blanks?


  1. Love the shoe aspect, reminds me of shot you took ages ago.

  2. Nice capture of a candid moment! cheers :)

  3. I love the triangle formed by the white bag, the red and white candy , and the red and white shoe.

  4. definitely a hessidic family. i would recognize those dowdy tights and shoes anywhere ;) not to mention the curls on the little kid. so cute!

  5. i definitely don't need any more details. nice job capturing the essentials. the woman's feet are the icing on the cake.

  6. makes me wonder how she'd look in those red keds. i also love the wheels of the stroller acting as shoes too.

  7. and i love the baby in the phatfarm jacket. is that little baby Matisyahu? too adorable.

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Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted